
The Best Eevee Evolution Ranked by Stats, Moves, and Abilities

Eevee is one of the most popular and versatile Pokemon in the franchise, as it can evolve into eight different forms, each with its type, stats, moves, and abilities. These evolutions are known as Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon. But which one of these Eevee evolutions is the best?

To answer this question, we will rank the best Eevee evolution based on several criteria, such as their base stats, move pool, abilities, and type advantages and disadvantages. We will also provide some tips on how to use each Eevee evolution effectively in battle. The ranking order will go from the lowest to the highest, starting with the eighth place and ending with the first place. Let’s begin with the best Eevee evolution ranked.


Flareon is the lowest ranked Eevee evolution, mainly because of its poor move pool, low speed, and weak defense. Flareon has difficulty finding moves to take advantage of its high attack stat, as most fire moves are special-based. Flareon is also very slow, making it vulnerable to faster and stronger opponents. Flareon’s defense is also low, meaning it can’t take many hits before fainting.

However, Flareon is helpful, as it has some strengths that make it a decent physical sweeper. Flareon’s ability, Flash Fire, gives it immunity to fire attacks and boosts its fire moves by 50%. Flareon can also use Flame Charge to increase its speed and deal some damage. Flareon’s best moves to cover its weaknesses are Superpower, Bite, and Quick Attack.

To use Flareon effectively, it is recommended to pair it with a Pokemon that can set up the sun, such as Ninetales or Charizard. The sun will boost Flareon’s fire moves and reduce its water weakness. Flareon can also benefit from items that increase its attack or speed, such as Choice Band or Flame Plate.


Glaceon is the second lowest ranked Eevee evolution, mainly because of its many weaknesses, low speed, and reliance on hail. Glaceon is weak to fire, fighting, rock, and steel types, which are very common in the game. Glaceon is also very slow, making it easy to outspeed and KO. Glaceon’s best performance is in hail, but hail is not very common and can damage Glaceon as well.

However, Glaceon is not without its strengths, as it has a very high special attack stat, a helpful ability, and some powerful STAB moves. Glaceon’s ability, Ice Body, allows it to heal 1/16 of its HP every turn in hail, making it more durable. Glaceon can also use Blizzard, which has 100% accuracy and a 10% chance to freeze in hail, and Ice Beam, which is more reliable and has a 10% chance to freeze as well. Glaceon’s best moves to cover its weaknesses are Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, and Hidden Power.

To use Glaceon effectively, setting up hail with another Pokemon, such as Abomasnow or Vanilluxe, is recommended. Hail will boost Glaceon’s ice moves and activate its ability. Glaceon can also benefit from items that increase its special attack or reduce damage, such as Choice Specs or Icicle Plate.


Leafeon is the third lowest ranked Eevee evolution, mainly because of its limited move pool, its common type weaknesses, and its mediocre speed. Leafeon has difficulty finding moves dealing with its shortcomings, such as fire, ice, poison, bug, and flying types. Leafeon is also not very fast, making it vulnerable to faster and stronger opponents. Leafeon’s best moves are mostly physical-based, which can be countered by high defense or intimidation.

However, Leafeon is not hopeless, as it has some strengths that can make it a good physical attacker. Leafeon has a very high attack and defense stat, making it capable of dealing and taking damage. Leafeon’s ability to Chlorophyll doubles its speed in the sun, making it faster and more threatening. Leafeon can also use boosting moves like Swords Dance or Leaf Blade to increase its attack and deal more damage. Leafeon’s best moves to cover its weaknesses are X-Scissor, Dig, and Iron Tail.

To use Leafeon effectively, it is recommended to pair it with a Pokemon that can set up the sun, such as Ninetales or Charizard. The sun will boost Leafeon’s speed and grass moves, reducing its ice weakness. Leafeon can also benefit from items that increase its attack or defense, such as Life Orb or Miracle Seed.


Jolteon is the fourth lowest ranked Eevee evolution, mainly because of its low HP and defense, lack of coverage moves, and competition with other electric types. Jolteon has a very low HP and defense stat, making it fragile and easy to KO. Jolteon has difficulty finding moves dealing with its weaknesses, such as ground, grass, and dragon types. Jolteon’s best moves are mostly electric-based, which can be resisted or immune by many Pokemon. Jolteon faces competition from other electric types, such as Raikou, Zapdos, or Luxray, with better stats, moves, or abilities.

However, Jolteon is not worthless, as it has some strengths that can make it a fast and powerful special attacker. Jolteon has a very high speed and special attack stat, making it one of the fastest and strongest Pokemon in the game. Jolteon’s ability Volt Absorb gives it immunity to electric attacks and heals 1/4 of its HP, making it more durable. Jolteon can also use Thunderbolt, a reliable and powerful STAB move with a 10% chance to paralyze. Jolteon’s best moves to cover its weaknesses are Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, and Hidden Power.

To use Jolteon effectively, switching it in on electric attacks is recommended to activate its ability and avoid damage. Jolteon can also use Volt Switch, which allows it to deal damage and switch out to another Pokemon, gaining momentum and avoiding unfavorable matchups. Jolteon can also benefit from items that increase its special attack or speed, such as Choice Specs or Magnet.


Espeon is the fourth highest ranked Eevee evolution, mainly because of its high speed and unique attack stats, its ability Magic Bounce, and its diverse movepool. Espeon has a very high speed and special attack stat, making it one of the fastest and strongest Pokemon in the game. Espeon’s ability, Magic Bounce, reflects any status moves back to the user, making it immune to them and annoying the opponent. Espeon also has a diverse movepool, which allows it to deal with various types of Pokemon and situations.

However, Espeon is not flawless, as its weaknesses can hinder its performance. Espeon has a very low defense and HP stat, making it fragile and easy to KO. Espeon also has some common type weaknesses, such as dark, ghost, and bug types, which are very prevalent in the game. Espeon is also vulnerable to priority moves, such as Sucker Punch or Bullet Punch, which can outspeed and KO it.

To use Espeon effectively, predicting and reflecting status moves, such as Toxic, Stealth Rock, or Thunder Wave, is recommended to annoy the opponent and prevent them from setting up. Espeon can also use Psychic or Psyshock, powerful STAB moves that deal with various types of Pokemon. Espeon’s best moves to cover its weaknesses are Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, and Signal Beam.

Espeon can also benefit from items that increase its special attack or speed, such as Choice Specs or Twisted Spoon.


Vaporeon is the third highest ranked Eevee evolution, mainly because of its high HP and unique defense stats, its ability Water Absorb, and its access to recovery moves. Vaporeon has a very high HP and special defense stat, making it one of the game’s most durable and tanky Pokemon. Vaporeon’s ability, Water Absorb, gives it immunity to water attacks and heals 1/4 of its HP, making it even more resilient. Vaporeon also has access to recovery moves, such as Wish or Aqua Ring, which allow it to heal itself or its allies.

However, Vaporeon is imperfect, with some weaknesses that can limit its effectiveness. Vaporeon has a very low speed and defense stat, making it vulnerable to physical attackers and faster opponents. Vaporeon also has some common type weaknesses, such as electric, grass, and poison types, which are very prevalent in the game. Vaporeon also lacks offensive power, as its best moves are mostly water-based, which can be resisted or immune by many Pokemon.

To use Vaporeon effectively, switching it in on water attacks is recommended to activate its ability and avoid damage. Vaporeon can also use Scald or Hydro Pump, powerful STAB moves that deal with various types of Pokemon. Scald also has a 30% chance to burn the opponent, which reduces their attack and deals damage over time. Hydro Pump has more power, but less accuracy. Vaporeon’s best moves to cover its weaknesses are Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, and Hidden Power.

Vaporeon can also benefit from items that increase its HP or special defense, such as Leftovers or Assault Vest.


Sylveon is the second highest ranked Eevee evolution, mainly because of its high special attack and unique defense stats, ability Pixilate, and unique fairy typing. Sylveon has a very high special attack and defense stat, making it capable of dealing and taking special damage. Sylveon’s ability Pixilate turns its normal moves into fairy moves and boosts their power by 20%, making it more versatile and powerful. Sylveon also has a unique fairy typing, which gives it an advantage over dragon, dark, and fighting types, which are very common and dangerous in the game.

However, Sylveon is not flawless, as its weaknesses can hinder its performance. Sylveon has a very low speed and defense stat, making it fragile and easy to KO. Sylveon also has some type weaknesses, such as steel and poison types, which can resist its fairy moves and deal super effective damage. Sylveon also relies on hidden power for coverage, which can be unpredictable and unreliable.

To use Sylveon effectively, it is recommended to use Hyper Voice or Moonblast, which are powerful STAB moves that deal with various types of Pokemon. Hyper Voice also benefits from Pixilate, making it more powerful and accurate. Moonblast also has a 30% chance to lower the opponent’s special attack, making them weaker and more accessible to KO. Sylveon’s best moves to cover its weaknesses are Psyshock, Shadow Ball, and Hidden Power.

Sylveon can also use Calm Mind or Wish, which are support moves that can increase its special attack and defense or heal itself or its allies. Sylveon can also benefit from items that increase its special attack or defense, such as Choice Specs or Pixie Plate.


Umbreon is the highest ranked Eevee evolution, mainly because of its high defense and unique defense stats, ability Synchronize, and role as a stall and support Pokemon. Umbreon has a very high defense and special defense stat, making it one of the game’s most defensive and bulky Pokemon. Umbreon’s ability Synchronize passes any status condition it receives to the opponent, making it immune to them and annoying the opponent. Umbreon also has a role as a stall and support Pokemon, which means it can use moves that can damage, heal, or protect itself or its allies, while wasting the opponent’s time and resources.

However, Umbreon is not perfect, as it has some weaknesses that can limit its effectiveness. Umbreon has a shallow attack and particular attack stat, making it unable to deal much damage to the opponent. Umbreon also has some type weaknesses, such as fighting and bug types, which can deal super effective damage and bypass its defenses. Umbreon also lacks offensive pressure, as its best moves are mostly status-based, which the opponent can cure or prevent.

To use Umbreon effectively is recommended to use Toxic or Foul Play, which are damaging moves that can deal with various types of Pokemon. Toxic inflicts a status condition that deals damage over time and increases every turn, making it more effective against bulky and defensive Pokemon. Foul Play uses the opponent’s attack stat instead of Umbreon’s, making it more effective against physical attackers and sweepers. Umbreon’s best moves to cover its weaknesses are Moonlight, Protect, and Payback.

Umbreon can also use Moonlight or Protect, recovery moves that can heal or protect itself from damage. Moonlight restores 1/2 of Umbreon’s HP, but its power varies depending on the weather. Protect blocks any attack from the opponent but fails if used consecutively. Umbreon can also benefit from items that increase its defense or special defense, such as Leftovers or Black Glasses.


In conclusion, we have ranked the best Eevee evolution based on several criteria, such as their stats, moves, abilities, and advantages and disadvantages. We have also provided some tips on how to use each Eevee evolution effectively in battle.

We have explained why Umbreon is the best Eevee evolution overall, as it has the highest defense and unique defense stats, a helpful ability, and a role as a stall and support Pokemon. Umbreon can also use moves that can damage, heal, or protect themselves or their allies while annoying the opponent and wasting their time and resources.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned something new. Do you agree with our ranking? Which Eevee evolution is your favorite and why? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you for reading.

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